How to Make Leaf Mold Compost | Pesticide
In the post, we will know how to make leaf mold compost and making the best pesticide, fungicide liquid
- About leaf mold
- How to make leaf mold at home
- Making a pesticide liquid
- How to use pesticide liquid in plants
About Leaf Mold Compost: Leaf mould compost is the best compost for all plants like flower plants and perennial plants. Leaf mould compost is made of leaves. Most gardeners use leaf mould as a fertilizer, and it also gives the best result. If you are a beginner, don’t use leaf mould directly because we will know the right way to make leaf mould compost in this post.
How to Make Leaf Mold Compost: First of all, you need to collect dry leaves from anywhere like the side of the road, gardens…etc. Leaves should be dried. One of the best ways to collect leaves is during the autumn season because leaves fall from the trees, and you can collect them properly. Collect all types of tree leaves and break leaves properly. Store leaves in a large bucket, give some water, and make sure the bucket has drainage holes in the bottom and side.
- Cover the bucket with a lid or polythene.
- Place the bucket in a dark area or semi-shaded location.
- Check the bucket after 20 to 30 days; the leaves’ colour turns dark brown or black in colour. Wait till the leaf’s colour are turns black (decomposed).
- After 6 to 8 months, decomposed leaf mould is ready to use properly.
- You can use leaf mould compost in all plants (indoor or outdoor plants).
- Give leaf mould in your plants after 30 to 35 days.
Why we use leaf mould compost: It is organic, and natural compost or leaf mould also holds the moisture in the soil potting. You can make leaf mould at home, and easy to use in gardens or home plants.
Making a pesticide liquid: There are many methods for making a pesticide, or fungicide liquid, but this method is reliable and easy to use.
- Take out the aloe Vera 4 to 5 pieces, turmeric 100gm, and neem leaves 10 to 20. These items are easily available in your home.
- Cut the aloe Vera into small pieces, and don’t remove the peels.
- Mix it well (don’t mix turmeric) and grind it in a grinder machine.
- Filter the water and remove unwanted compost.
- Now add turmeric to filtered water and mix it well until the turmeric should not be dissolved.
- You can use the remaining part of the pesticide, which is green in colour (after filtration), as a fertilizer and add fertilizer to your rooting system. It helps to improve and boost plants’ roots.
- After fertilization, gives some water.
How to Use Pesticide liquid
- Add 5 to 6-litre water to 500ml of liquid.
- Mix it well.
- Fill the mixed water in a spray bottle.
- Now it is ready to use, and you can spray it on all plant leaves and root systems.
- Pesticide is necessary after 30 to 40 days of plantation because many types of insects and diseases occur in the plants.
- It saves your plants from insects.
This pesticide liquid also works as fungicide liquid and it saves your plants from many diseases. You can also add liquid in soil potting while you are planting seeds or making a soil mixture.
Why we use pesticide liquid: This liquid is a natural pesticide liquid and it is easy to use in your plants and you can make it easily at your home.
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