Air Purify Plants
How to Care Angel Wing Cactus at Home, Garden with Compost

How to Care Angel Wing Cactus at Home, Garden with Compost

Welcome to another post of GardenOnTop. In the post, we will cognize all about the Angel Wing Cactus plants with know some amazing facts…

  • About wing cactus plant
  • Best tips for caring
  • Best places to look attractive
  • How to plant at homes, gardens, and fields
  • Facts about wing cactus plant
  • FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Angel Wing Cactus – Air Purifying Plant

Angel Wing Cactus: One of the smallest and most stable air purifying plants that give you pure and natural air at an indoor or outdoor location. Due to the small size, most people keep angel wings on their tables, bedrooms, kitchens, and bathrooms. Angel wings plants also known as Benny ears cactus and native to Central and Northern Mexico.

It is also a flowering plant that blooms yellow and white flowers. Benny ears cactus plants belong to the Cactaceae family which contains several types of cactus species. The scientific name of benny ears cactus is Opuntia microdasys and the kingdom is Plantae. See picture…

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How to Care Angel Wings Cactus

It doesn’t require much care if you live in a good region where the hardiness zones are 9-11. Otherwise, angel wing plants need support for their growth. Follow these 4 tips for best growth…

  • Cutting Tips: Angel Wing plants don’t need to be cut because their small leaves look attractive. If you see small plants near the bottom of plants then plant them separately. Baby plants grow faster than older plants.
  • Composition Time & Type: Angel wing plants grow gently and there is no need for any composition. If you see there is no growth in the plants then add vermicompost or cow dung manure. In the market there are many types of vermicompost are available, you need to choose good quality vermicompost like organic, trust basket, or ugaoo company. Also available in online shops or nearby nurseries.
  • Temperature and Humidity: Angel wing is one of the best indoor and air purifying plants so, the temperature should be 15°C to 35°C For the summer period, needs some shady location.
  • Alimentation & Pests: For best growth, place the plants in full sunlight once a week. Most of the excess water causes many diseases like root rot and root fungus. So, epidemiology is important for whole plants. Spray the fungicide powder with water.
  • Water Time: Don’t overwater. Once a week is enough. Check the soil moisture with fingers in the winter season, if the soil is dry then add water. Use a water spray can.
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Best Places to Look Attractive: There are various places to keep the angel wing plants looking attractive. Mostly depends on the size of angel wing plants. If the plant’s size varies between 6 inches to 1 feet tall then below is the best place…

  • Study table (if table size should be 3 feet wide): Most peoples prefer in study table because it looks attractive due to its benny ear leaves and it is also a good air purifying plant.
  • Bedroom: You can keep angel wing plants in the bedroom as the plants give you pure air. So, want pure air, keep the plants in the bedroom.
  • Hall: If you prefer a hall, so it is the best choice because everyone feels pure and natural air. It looks catching if you keep the plant on side of the wall and the color of your wall is white and creamy. South and west-facing are best.
  • In TV Chester: You can add the angel wing plants on TV Chester. Look attractive and catching.
  • Also: Most of the YouTubers add wing plants to their videos.
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Propagation : Angel Wing Cactus

How to Plant Angel Wing: There are two methods to plant angel wings, one is by cutting, or grafting plants. A grafting plant comes with several leaves and you need to plant with soil. But how to let’s explore…

  • Buy grafted plants from online shops or nurseries. Starting price is 50 rupees per plant (may vary).
  • Take one container, the container should be ceramic type.
  • Buy garden soil with vermicompost or cow dung manure. Mix it well until the soil becomes well drained.
  • Fill the soil potting up to 80% into the container. Dig the hole up to 5 to 6 inches deep (depends on size).
  • Plant the angel wing plant and cover the roots well.
  • Give water and place the pot in a shady or full brightening location.

Note: Keep the plants in full sunlight until new germination occurs. Within 10 to 20 days, germination starts from the small angel wing plants. After that, keep the plants in an indoor location or shady location. For the best location, read best places for the plant section

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Facts About the Angel Wings Cactus : For the happiness of home, keep the plants at south or west-facing. 

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Easily available at FLIPKART, AMAZON, and UGAOO. Or you can check nearby plant nurseries.

Mix normal garden soil with any compost (vermicompost, cow dung manure).

Give water properly, and add feeding after 30 to 45 days.

Yes, you can. It looks attractive and catching. 

It is an indoor location plant so you can plant at the indoor location as well outdoor location. Just give water only to the planned base.

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