Flower Plants
New Way To Plant Morning Glories at Home & Care

New Way To Plant Morning Glories at Home & Care

In this post, we know about the Morning Glories plant(vine)

  • About morning glory
  • A new way to plant
  • Top caring tips
  • Bloom season
  • Best fertilizer

About Morning Glory: Morning glory is one of the best flowering plants (vine), most the people-plant morning glory in the season of midwinter or early summer. Many flowers bloom in morning glories like white, purple, blue, red, etc.

The scientific name of morning glory is Ipomoea indica, and it belongs to the Convolvulaceae family. There are 900+ species available in the Convolvulaceae family, and there are many verities like Japanese morning glories, common morning glories, and more.

  • Morning Glory leaves are dark green and look like a heart shape.
  • Leave grow up to 2 to 3 inches and spread up to 2 inches.
  • The vein and midrib of leaves are light white.  

Best Location: If you want to plant this plant(vine), plant it on the balcony where the sun is good.

A new way to plant seeds: To plant Morning Glory at home, you can buy seeds online or in local shops.

How to prepare soil: To make a soil mixture, take well-drained garden soil (50%) and any compost (cow dung 50%). Mix it well. Take a small flower pot (at least 4 to 5 inches) and fill the pot with soil mixture(70%).

While mixing a soil mixture: Remove small stones and pebbles from the soil mixture and check whether there is a drainage hole on the pot’s base; if not, make 5, 6 holes, and cover the holes with stones or pebbles. The distance between the seeds should be 2 to 3 cm apart.

Now take out the seeds and immerse them 2 to 3 inches deep in the soil. After this, cover the seeds with the soil mixture and pour some water into the seeds. Place the flower pot in sunlight.

Within 7 to 8 days, germination starts from the seeds, and tiny branches and leaves appear from the germination. Before germination, please keep it in sunlight. When germination grows up to 4 to 5 inches more, it’s time to transplant them.

How to Transplant: Take well-drained garden soil (50%), vermicompost (30%), and coco peat (20%). Mix it well and take a large flower pot (at least 12 inches and more).

Fill the pot with the soil mixture and take out the transplant plants. Dig a hole 5 to 6 inches apart in the soil and plant each pot in the soil. Plant only 3 to 5-morning glory in a pot and give water to the flower pot.

Bloom Time: Flowers start to bloom after 3 to 4 months of germination, and these flowers start blooming with the light of the morning sun. Many flowers bloom every morning, and these flowers look beautiful and attractive. Flowers attract birds, butterflies, and bees. 

Top Care Tip for Morning Glories

Watering: Don’t overwater and while watering, always use a water spray gun. Initially, give water properly and, after germination, keeps moisture in the soil. When you transplant a plant, give water after 2 to 3 days. 

Temperature: If the temperature is maintained, the plant grows quickly. Always give morning sunlight, or you can place the pot in a location where there is good sunlight. If you want large and healthy flowers on this morning glories, then maintain a temperature between 18°C to 25°C.

Best Fertilizer: Fertilizer is essential for every transplant plant, so always use the best Fertilizer like any organic liquid fertilizer or rich in nitrogen fertilizer. Add Fertilizer to the plant after 30 days of transplanting and give proper watering to the plant after fertilization. Always use a water spray gun for better results.

Disease & Pests: Many types of insects (aphids, leaf miners, spider mites, etc.) and diseases (fungus) come on the plants, so always spray insecticide to kill them. Before spraying, read the instructions on the medicine carefully.

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