Spices and Herbs
Simple Method to Grow Cardamom Seeds at Home

Simple Method to Grow Cardamom Seeds at Home

In the post, we will know all about Cardamom plants

  • Simple method to grow seeds
  • Care tips
  • Benefits & fruit time
  • Harvest season

Simple Method to Grow Seeds: To grow cardamom at home, you will need to buy cardamom pods from the online or local shop. after that, take some pods and take out the tiny seeds from inside the pods. The seeds look small and dark brown. Soak all seeds in the water for 10 to 15 hours; remove the greasy layer from the seeds after taking out the seeds. Dry out the seeds using tissue paper.

Remember: Soil mixture should be slightly sandy, or pH should be 5 to 7. USDA hardiness zone is 6 to 8. Always use large seeds

Prepare a Soil Mixture: To make soil, take 50% sand, 40% cocopeat, and 10% vermicompost. Mix it well. While mixing the soil, remove unwanted particles from the soil. The flower pot should be at least 6 inches, and It is necessary to have a drainage hole in the bottom of the pot, the soil from the drainage hole remains moist, and the soil does not rot (always keep a small stone above the drainage hole).

Pour soil mixture (60 to 70%) into the flower pot and dig a hole in the soil (5 to 8 holes with 1 inch deep). Pour the seeds into the hole and fill the soil mixture above the seeds. After all, pour the remaining soil into a flowerpot and give some water to the pot. While watering, always use a water pot. Keep this flower pot indoor location.

After 30 to 40 days, germination starts from the seeds, or maybe it takes more time to germinate because sometimes it depends on the climate you live in. Before germination, keep the flower pot in an indoor location, and after germination, place the pot where the humidity is more. When germination grows up to 5 to 7 inches, now it’s time to report them and plant separately.  

Top Care Tips :

  • Watering: Always keep moisture in the soil. After repotting a plant in humidity places, give water after 5 to 7 days. The summer season gives water twice a week and the winter season gives water within a week.
  • Temperature:  Temperature is the main task to produce healthy cardamom. Always keep plants in partial shade place or maintain the temperature between 20°C to 35°C.
  • Best Fertilizer: Always use the best fertilizer if you want healthy and large cardamom pods. This plant always used organic fertilizer with a high amount of phosphorous. Always Fertilize this plant at least two times a month and give water to the plant after fertilizing.
  • Pests & Diseases: There are many types of insects ( thrips, beetle borer, aphids, shoot fly and whitefly) attack these plants, So kill them always use the best insecticide powder with water, or you can use insecticide liquid.

Harvest & Fruit Time: The best time to harvest the plant are after 3 to 4 years because the flowers bloom on the plant after 3 to 4 year (August or October), and the flowers look white with a brown centre. Healthy and fresh cardamom appear on this plant after one month of blooming. So you can harvest them.

Top 7 Benefits of Cardamom: There are loads of benefits and uses such as

  • Improve digestive problems
  • It is also helpful to improve breathing and oxygen flow
  • Control blood sugar level
  • It is also beneficial to lose weight.
  • Cardamom is helpful to improve oral health.
  • Improve sexual-related problems.
  • Improve hair growth.

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