Flower Plants
How To Grow Common Purslane Flower Plant(Portulaca Oleracea)

How To Grow Common Purslane Flower Plant(Portulaca Oleracea)

Welcome to another post of GardenOnTop.com. In the post, we will know deep detail about the common purslane flowering plant.

  • About common purslane plants
  • How to grow common purslane plant at home, and garden
  • Mind blowing caring tips for common purslane plants
  • Best places to look attractive
  • FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Purslane - Evergreen Flowering Plant

Common Purslane Flowering Plant: One of the widest and most popular flowering plants for the houseplant. Purslane plants look beautiful and it blooms lots of flowers during the rainy and summer season. The surprising part is that the plants don’t require a lot of care, just water and watch the wonders. Basically, the purslane flowering plant belongs to the Portulacaceae family and there are 500+ species of flowers in this family.

  • Also known as little hogweed and pursley.
  • Belong to the Portulacaceae
  • Need USDA hardiness zones 9-11.
  • It is also used in vegetables like salad.

Purslane plants grow up to 2 to 3 feet with greenish flat leaves and leave spread up to ½ inches tall. Leaves germinate along with stems & lots of moisture is present in stems and leaves. Branches are slightly reddish to green in color. Branches grow in thick to thin stages with hundreds of leaves. See picture…  

Germination Period & Best Location

Mode of Propagation: There are 2 to 3 ways to plant common purslane flowering plants in your homes, gardens, and fields. Three ways for plantation…

  • By seeds
  • Cutting stems
  • Divisions or transplants.

Using Seeds: Seeds are easily available in online shops like Flipkart, Amazon…etc. Or, you can search for seeds at nearby nurseries. Seeds are easily not available in local nurseries because gardeners prefer grafted plants. You can go with grafted plant or buy seeds online. Seeds take a few days for the seeds to germinate. The seeds are very small, 1 to 2 mm long, and dark brown to black with starting price of 30+ rupees per 50 seeds to 100 seeds.

Soil Type for Seedling: While making good soil media should have vermicompost, normal garden soil, and cocopeat. Vermicompost should have lots of nutrients like NPK, enzymes, and hormones. This ingredient boosts your plant growth. Mix these components and take the good size of the ceramic container.

  • Keep the seeds in water for at least 2 to 4 hours. Remove them and clean them properly.
  • Fill the soil mixture into the pot and dig 5 to 6 small holes (1/2 inches). Refer note section…
  • Put the seeds in those holes and cover all the seeds with the same soil potting and spray water.
  • Place the pot in a shady location. For fast germination, keep the pot in the morning sunlight.
  • Within 10 to 12 days, germination starts from the seeds and visible small stems and leaves. Keep it in full sunlight location.

Note: The pot should have small drainage holes for watering. The soil should be moist and fungus free due to the drainage holes. So, drainage holes are necessary. If you have too many seeds, make holes too.

Cutting Stem Method: This is the simplest way to plant purslane flowering plants in your home. Just cut the 4 to 5 inches stems from purslane plants then dip the bottom part of the stems in rootex hormone liquid. Rootex hormone liquid is the fastest way to germinate roots from any stems.

  • Soil type should be the same as seedling ways.
  • Make holes and plant all the stems in those holes and spray water.
  • The stem should be 1 to 1½ deep in the soil.
  • Place the pot in the full sunlight location.

Within 5 to 7 days new leaves emerge from the branches.

How to Care Purslane Flower Plant

  • Best Time for Watering: As you know purslane plants don’t need too much care but watering is an important task in Summer Time because there is too much hot weather in a few regions. Water properly when the soil is dry, just touch the soil with your fingers, if the soil is dry then water properly. In the winter season or rainy time, give water twice a week if needed otherwise doesn’t. Remember, don’t overwater overwatering causes many problems like root fungus, root rot…etc.
  • Temperature: Temperature gives the best results. While the germination period, just keep the plants in morning sunlight or shady location, and after germination or transplant, place the plants in full sunlight. Recommended temperature is 18°C to 30°C. If the temperature rise above 30°C then, you should try greenhouse places. Know more about the Greenhouse
  • Pest & Diseases: Several types of insects like mealy-bugs, leaf-mite, Stem borer, Leaf roller, and snail & slugs attack the plants. So, don’t forget to spray insecticide liquid with water. Simply mix 1 lid of liquid in 8-10 liters of water. Mix it well and spray it all over the plant. If root fungus or root rot diseases occur then, you should go with pesticide liquid or powder like neem oil, warm-fight, and nashak+. These liquids are easily available at online shops and nearby nurseries.
  • Cutting Period: Cutting makes a plant or tree beautiful and attractive, just so you can say it is perfect. Therefore, you should cut down plants or trees before the growing season. Cut out the dry stems, leaves, faded leaves, or flowers, or pinch out the head of the stem. Remove unwanted weeds. Use the plant cutting tools.
  • Composition: Ahh, Purslane plants survive easily without any fertilizer, just give water on time. If purslane plants are not survived in your location, then give vermicompost fertilizer every month. If the plants are not alive, fertilization is necessary.

Best Location for Purslane Plants: GardenOnTop prefers, hanging baskets on the balcony, along the walls as purslane plants grow toward the earth, each stem grows with lots of flowers. See pictures…

Image source: www.maatiwala.com

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions):

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Make your soil potting well drained and plant seeds.

Watering and temperature are important for the purslane plants. Just refer care section…

Yes, if vermicompost is available then add it.

Online shops & nearby nurseries or you can also easily grow with the stems.

Summer & rainy season is the best time for seedling.

After 2 to 3 months, blooming starts on the plants. Thousands of flowers bloom in the morning and fall before sunset (it’s fact) and also for the next day (Bloom & Fall).

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