Sacred Trees
Something New About The Pine Tree

Something New About The Pine Tree

In the post, we will know about the Pine Tree and its most common varieties.

  • About pine tree
  • Best tips to grow its seeds
  • 5 most common tips for care
  • Benefits
  • Side effects of pine tree

About Pine Tree: The Pine Tree is an evergreen tree, and this tree grows every season (most of the time, depending on the climate). This tree has more than 120 species global, and it has many varieties.

The scientific name of the pine tree is Pinus, and it belongs to the Pinaceae family, or it is a symbol of North Carolina. Leaves are of 4 types Seed leaves, Juvenile leaves, Scale leaves, and Needles Leaves, and it is also famous for its leaves.

The bark of trees is thick and some verity has thin bark. It depends on verity.

The pine tree’s needles are green in colour, and its size grows up to 2 to 3 inches, and the height of the tree grows up to at least 40 to 60 meters or depending on verities. It has many varieties like Pinus sylvestris, Eastern white pine, Stone pine and Pinus nigra, and more. These are well-known verity and easily available in a local plant shop or online shops. This tree lives up to 100 to 800 years.

Best Tips to Grow its Seeds

  • If you are thinking of sowing its seeds, you can plant it after the autumn season, and if you talk about the month, you can grow its seeds from September to November.
  • After sowing its seeds, cover with the container; by doing so, its seeds start to sprout quickly.
  • Plant its seeds in a clay pot only because it is a summer plant and needs more sunlight. The soil does not get soggy, and the water does not collect at the bottom.
  • Make 5,6 holes on the surface of the flower pot before putting the soil into the flower pot.
  • For making soil, use 10% vermicompost, 50% garden soil 40% river sand.
  • Sow the seed in the vertical position and keep the pointy end down.
  • When you sow its seeds, always remember seeds are not overlapping.
  • It takes at least 2, or 3 months for its seeds to grow; if you have sown its seeds in November, then these seeds will start to germinate in March and April. Keep patient.

5 Best tips for care

  • Watering: When you sow its seeds, give less water. After 2 to 4 days, check the moisture in the soil before adding water. If you have planted its plant, then give water after 2 to 3 days, and in the summer season, you can give water every day.
  • Temperature: The Pine plant needs full sunlight in the winter or summer season, so keep its pot in full sunlight. Always give morning sunlight and afternoon keep this pot in partial shade. (30°C to 40°C)
  • Best Fertilizer: Always give the best fertilizer. In pine trees, plants provide compost rich in nitrogen or cow dung fertilizer. Choose the best compost during the growing season, and watering is necessary after composition.
  • Pests & Disease: It is a pest-free plant. Even if any insects are noticed in this plant, you can spray neem oil.
  • Pruning: If you have sown its seed, then plant this seed in another pot; by doing so, the plant starts growing quickly, and if you want to prune this plant, you can cut its dry leaves, and dry branches, and overlap branches. Pruning is essential after mature pine trees.


  • Pine tree wood is also helpful to make many types of furniture.
  • It is also helpful to make floor & roofing.
  • Pine tree seeds are edible
  • It is helpful to make fuelwood using its bark and wood.
  • Pine tree cones are helpful to decorate the home.

Side Effects: It has minor side effects like the bark of pine trees causing diseases like stomach and headaches. Simply, when we use this bark, it creates a problem of stomach and headaches. It needs lots of space after growing because it grows 50+ meters tall and wide.

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