How to Care Summer Flowering Plants | Tips
In the post, we will know about caring for summer flowering plants
- How to give water?
- The best fertilizer for plants
- Best Temperature
- Time of cutting or pruning
- Pests & Diseases
Most people don’t care about how to care for flowering plants in the summer season, but here is the post to resolve it. Please read carefully and do it in your garden plants, and within 10 to 20 days, plant growth is improved.
Before Plantation: Always check out the USDA hardiness zone, soil type, and soil pH, and make your soil mixture well-drained (for the best results).
Follow These Steps for Best Growth
How to Give Water: Most important thing is watering for plant growth.
- Before plantation, always check the season of the plantation. If you plant winter or rainy plants in the summer season, that’s not good because the plant’s growth is stuck or doesn’t grow during the winter season or rainy season. So always the season of the plantation.
- Mostly summer flowering plants are dying or leave burns due to overwatering. Before watering, always check the top layer of soil potting. If the top layer of soil potting is dried, then give water properly because in the summer season soil mixture is dries in the afternoon.
- Most flowering plants need water daily, like a daisy, marigold, sunflower, periwinkle, dahlia, aparajita, night jasmine…etc.
- Spray some water on the plant’s leaves after 1 PM because heavy temperature leaves are burned.
Best Fertilizer or Compost for Summer Flowering Plants
- Always give the best fertilizer before the growing season.
- Check which fertilizer is best for your flowering plants. Fertilizer is an important part of plant growth.
- Different types of fertilizer are available in the market, so always choose the best fertilizer before the growing season.
- Common fertilizers like vermicompost, cow dung, NPK verities, fish emulsion, and much more.
- Mostly cow dung, vermicompost, and NPK are used in the summer plants.
- If flowering growth is stuck or down, then you can add perlite. Perlite gives healthy and large flowers. Always use perlite with compost (for the best results).
Best Temperature for Summer Flowering Plants
- For the best results, place the plants at a well-maintained temperature.
- Morning sunlight gives the best results, so place the plants in morning sunlight for at least 3 to 4 hours.
- Most of the summer flowering plants are dying or leaves burn due to heavy temperature, so if the temperature is not maintained, then give full sunlight for at least 2 to 4 hours only. After, keep the plants in a semi-shaded location.
- If you have planted indoor plants, then keep the plants in an indoor location after morning sunlight.
- If you are confused about how to maintain the temperature so, you can keep the plants in a place where there is minimum sunlight (at least 3 to 5 hours only).
- Recommended temperature is 15°C to 30°C (for summer flowering plants).
Best Time for Cutting or Pruning
- Pruning is the main task for the plant’s growth, and pruning or cutting is necessary for each plant.
- The best time for pruning is before the growth season.
- Before pruning, check out the plant’s growth; if the plant’s growth is well, then don’t prune. If you see dries leaves, faded flowers, unwanted branches, or weeds so, prune all the plants.
- Pruning is necessary; when a plant’s growth is stuck, then you can prune properly.
- If plants are small, then don’t forget to prune the head stem plants.
- Most people prune the plants with their hands, which is wrong—the right way to prune the plants is with scissors or any cutting tools. Many types of tools are available in the market, so always choose the right cutting tool for your garden.
Pests & Diseases
- Pests and diseases are common parts of plants. Most plants are insect-free, like spider plants, yucca plants, snake plants…etc.
- Over time, many types of insects (mealy bugs, Japanese beetles, snails and slugs, bees, leaf miners, aphids, scale insects, gall mites, and bagworm) attack the plants, so always use pesticide liquids, neem oil, soapy water.
- Many types of diseases occur on the plants like bacterial wilt, blight, canker, scab, rot and basal rot, so kill those types of diseases using the
- Many types of pesticide liquids are available in the market. Always choose the best liquid for your plants.
Pesticide Method: Always use the water in pesticide liquid and neem oil. Add one lid to 10 to 15-litre water.
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