Air Purify Plants
Amazing Trick to Plant Peace lilies at Home and Garden

Amazing Trick to Plant Peace lilies at Home and Garden

All About Peace Lilies Plants

Welcome to another post of In the post, we will know about how to plant peace lilies in homes and offices and how to care, growing tips, and much more…

Peace Lilies: Scientific name of peace lily is Spathiphyllum, and the subfamily name is Monstreroideae. Peace lilies are one of the most common plants in house plantations because they are easy to care for and grow. Peace lilies are evergreen plants, and most people use them as a decoration in houses.

Now let’s talk about how Peace Lily looks

This plant is small and green, and its flowers are white, as shown in the photo; you can easily take it from the plant shop, and its rate starts from ten rupees. The size of this plant goes from 7 to 10 inches, and there are many varieties of this plant, and their length goes up to 30 inches.

How to Plant Peace lily:-

Plantation: You have to take fertile soil and add some fertilizer to it, and it has to combine until the compost is mixing correctly. After that you have to take a flowerpot, you have to put soil in it, till the flowerpot is half full, then you have to put the fertilizer into the ground after that you have to plant the peace lily. After that, you have to add some more soil.

Remember that the soil must be fertile or otherwise peace lily will not grow!

Flowering Time: If this plant is properly taken care of, then in six weeks it starts flowering.

Which Types of Flower Bloom: A peace lily’s flower consists of a spathe (white sheath) and spadix (green or off-white spike of flowers).

Now let’s talk about how to care for peace lily

  • You do not have to give much water to this plant, and you have to provide water as much so that the soil’s moisture remains.
  • You can keep this plant indoors or outside the house; make sure that the sun does not shine directly on this plant; you have to keep this plant in the light.
  • The most important thing is that the temperature of this plant should keep above 21 degrees, and the best temperature to keep this plant is  60°F (16°C).
  • These all ways are pleasing to care of these plants.

Caution: If you put this plant in direct sunlight, then the leaves of this peace lily will fade away and the flowers on it will burn or will never come again. sometimes these plants get insects, which we call the mealybug, this bug is white in appearance and is very small. whenever it gets in the plant, you must sprinkle medicine.

How to Spray Medicine: Take half a litre of water only, and you have to take a lid of this medicine and mix it in water. After that, you have to sprinkle this medicine on the plants.

Benefits of Piece Lilies :

  • Indoor and outdoor plant
  • This plant purifies the air.
  • Low maintenance plant
  • Easy to care
  • Fast-growing plant
  • Promotes restful sleep
  • Removes mold spores from the air

Side effects of Peace lily: Peace Lily is poisonous for small children because when its leaf breaks, it emits toxic substances which are harmful to children, on the other hand, it is poisonous to animals like dog and cat when eats leaves.

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