Amazing 5 Caring Tips For Pea Plants & Fertilizer

Amazing 5 Caring Tips For Pea Plants & Fertilizer

In this post, we will know about the Pea plant

  • A simple method to grow seeds
  • Top 5 caring tips
  • Benefits
  • Harvest time

Simple Method to Grow Seeds: The best time to plant seeds is in October or November. First, you need to purchase seeds from an online store or local shop. If you have peas, take out the thick seeds from the pea pod and let them dry in the sun for 3 to 4 hours.

Prepare a Best Soil Mixture: To make a soil mixture, take well-drained garden soil (40%), coco peat (30%), vermicompost (30%), and perlite (50%). Mix it well and take a large flower pot (at least 12 inches) and check the drainage hole on the pot’s surface. If there is no drainage hole, make 5, or 6 holes, and place small stones or pebbles on top of the hole so that the soil does not rot.

Steps to plant :

  • Now put soil in the pot and sprinkle water.
  • Now take the dried seed and make a hole (7 to 10) in the ground 1 to 2 inches deep and immerse the seed.
  • Fill 2 to 3 inches layer of soil mixture above the seeds.
  • Give water properly (always used a spray water pot).
  • Place the plant in an indoor location or semi-shade location

After 6 to 7 days, germination starts from seeds, and small leaves and branches appear from the germination. If germination grows up to 3 to 5 inches and more, it’s time to transplant them. When transplanting a plant, always use the same soil mixture and plant separately. After all, this places the plant in full sunlight.

Within 15 to 20 days, plants grow up to 7 to 8 inches and leave size to appear as 2 inches or branches spread up to 3 to 4 inches.

Top 4 Caring Tips :

Watering :

  • Don’t overwater or before watering check moisture in the soil.
  • Always used spray gun water.
  • During the growing season, give water properly.
  • In the winter season, give water twice a week and summer season after 2 to 3 days.      

Temperature :

  • Temperature is an essential part of growing a plant.
  • In the winter season, place the plant in sunlight, and summer season, give sunlight for at least 5 to 6 hours.
  • If you want healthy and large peas, always maintain the temperature between 20°C to 25°C.
  • Placing the plant in heavy sunlight causes the leaves to burn and fade the flowers.
  • Save from heavy rain and high temperature(above 35°C).  

Best Fertilizer :

  • The plant needs fertilizer after being transplant plants.
  • Always use the best fertilizer for the plant after 30 days.
  • You can use cow dung or any liquid fertilizer (chicken manure, seaweed, homemade fertilizer).
  • After fertilization, give water properly.

Pests & Disease: Many types of insects (aphids, slug, fungus…Etc.) damage the flowers and leaves on the pea plant, so always spray the medicine to kill those insects. Must read the instruction before spraying the medicine.

Best Time to Harvest :

  • If the seeds are sown in October and November, then they can be harvested after 4 to 5 months(January or February).
  • White-coloured flowers bloom on the plant, and the flower size grows up to 2 to 3 cm long. This flower looks very beautiful.
  • Peas may be more petite in size if you harvest the plant early, or peas pods will have fewer grains.
  • While harvesting, always used garden tools for harvesting the plant.

Top 4 Benefits of Pea: There are loads of benefits such as

  • Improve eyesight & bone  health
  • Improve digestive system
  • It controls diabetes level
  • Pea seeds reduce cholesterol level

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