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Plants Growth is Stopped | Give This Fertilizer | How to Use

Plants Growth is Stopped | Give This Fertilizer | How to Use

In the post, we will know about how to restart plants growth using fertilizers with tips and tricks

  • About fertilizers
  • How to use fertilizers
  • Best time for fertilization
  • Action after fertilization
  • Other reasons

Why did Plant Growth Stop?

There are many reasons: small pot size, watering, best compost and timing, sunlight, Transplantation…etc. Common reasons like not using the best fertilizer, Transplantation and sunlight.

About Fertilizers: One of the common reasons that are we are not changing the fertilizer if plants’ growth is stopped. If plant growth stops, we need to change the fertilizer or fertilization time. Use the best fertilizer like decomposed cow dung, vermicompost, and home-based fertilizer like a banana peel.

How to use these fertilizers:

  • Cow Dung Compost: You can give two types of cow dung fertilizer direct and liquid form. Please take out the cow dung pieces and keep them in water for 4 to 5 hours for liquid form. Filter water and remove all parts of cow dung. Filter water you can store in a bottle or other pot, and you can give this water to your plants.
  • Vermicompost: Vermicompost is the best compost for all plants, whether indoor or outdoor. You can add vermicompost before the growing season or after 30 to 40 days.
  • Home-Based Fertilizers: You can also add home-based fertilizers like a banana peel, tea compost, weeds, coffee grounds, eggshells…etc.

Best Time for Fertilization

  • Before the growing season.
  • While transplantation.
  • After 30 to 40 days on a plantation.
  • If a plant’s growth is stopped or stuck or don’t use the same fertilizer before you have using.
  • During the rainy season.
Growth plants

Action after Fertilization: watering is necessary after Fertilization because fertilizers are mixed with the same soil mixture, and you have to need place the plants in full sunlight.

Why Transplantation is necessary?

Transplantation is necessary when you have planted more seeds in a single flowerpot because, after the germination of seeds, the roots of small plants spread gently. If we do not transplant them, roots are bound together, and plant growth will be stopped. While Transplantation always chooses the best flowerpot.

Other Reasons


  • For the best results, always place the plants in full sunlight for at least 4 to 6 hours.
  • You need to place the plants in full sunlight for at least 5 to 6 hours for most vegetable plants.
  • Other plants like a flower, perennial plants, succulent plants…etc. Give sunlight for at least 3 to 5 hours.
  • While germination, place the plants in semi-shaded locations or indoor locations.

Flowerpot Size: This is also the most common reason we do not use suitable flowerpots because most gardeners don’t know which flowerpots are used in their plants. Make sure your flowerpot has drainage holes. Always use the best flowerpot.

  • For vegetable plants, always use a large flowerpot like 10 to 15 inches tall with 8 to 10 inches wide because roots are spread and plants give the best result. By doing this, there is no need to transplant them. A clay flowerpot is best for vegetable plants.
  • If you are planting flower seeds for flowering plants and vines, always use a small flowerpot, like 6 to 8 inches. For Transplantation, use 10 to 12 inches tall with 8 to 10 inches wide. Most of the plants grow gradually, so always use large flowerpots like 18 to 20 inches tall and 15 to 18 inches wide. Clay or ceramic pot is best for flowering plants.
  • You can use plastic, ceramic, and clay flowerpot for air-purifying plants. Air purifying plants do not grow fast, so you can use 15 to 20 inches tall with 12 to 15 inches wide. For the best results, always use grafted plants.
  • Fruits and other plants can use a small flowerpot for seedlings, while Transplantation always uses a large flowerpot. Large fruit plants like mango, banana, mulberry, papaya…etc. Always use the ground site.  

You can start from these tips and tricks and your plant’s growth never stopped.

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plants growth

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