Something New About The Pine Tree

In the post, we will know about the Pine Tree and its most common varieties. About pine tree Best tips to grow its seeds 5 most common tips for care Benefits Side effects of pine tree About Pine Tree: The Pine Tree is an evergreen tree, and this tree grows every season (most of the time, depending on the climate). […]

Amazing Method to Grow Yucca Plant at Home

In this post, we will know all about perennial plants i.e. Yucca Plant About yucca plant How to plant using the cutting method 5 Tips to grow a yucca plant Benefits of yucca at home What are the side effects? About Yucca Plant: Yucca is one of the best indoor and outdoor plants. The Yucca plant is a perennial plant. […]

Amazing 5 Facts About Oak Tree | Verities | Benefits

Oak Tree is rarely seen, but wherever you have seen this tree you must have seen big. Oak tree one of the largest tree in the world and it is one of the oldest trees. This tree is also available in 65 million years ago. At least 500 species of this tree are available, and there are many varieties of this tree. Oak tree sprouts in the summer season.

How To Cultivate Potatoes And Tomatoes At Home

Welcome to In today’s post, we will know how potatoes and tomatoes are cultivated. How to Cultivate Potatoes : If you are thinking of growing potatoes in a pot, you plant them in a big pot. To cultivate potatoes, you need sprout potatoes and fertile soil, compost, and a place for growing. You can also use sand soil. If […]

Amazing Caring for Daffodil Flower Plants

Welcome to the GardenOnTop. In the post, we will know all about Daffodil Flower Plants : About Daffodils Flower How to Plant at home and garden Verities of daffodil Best tips for care What are benefits Bloom Time About Daffodils: Daffodil plant is one of the best flowering plants for home and garden. It has a more common name like […]

Amazing 5 Tips To Get More Flowers In Dahlia

In the post, we will know all about Dahlia flowering Plant and know how to get lots of flowers About Dahlias Plant Plantation at home and garden How to get more flowers How to Care for plants What are Benefits Bloom Time of About Dahlias Plant: Dahlia is a flowering plant, and it gives multicolour flowers, and these flowers are […]

Simple Process to Grow and Propagate Foxglove Plant

In the post, we will know all about foxglove plants About foxglove Best tips for care Benefits of foxglove Side Effects Bloom Time Is foxglove poisonous? About Foxglove: Foxglove has more than 20 species around the world, and it is a European perennial plant; Foxglove’s scientific name is Digitalis Purpurea, and it belongs to the Plantaginaceae family. Foxgloves are flowering […]

Unique 5 Tips to Grow Aparajita Plant with Seedling

In the post, we will know about Aparajita Plant with the Best Tips and Care. About Aparajita/Clitoria ternatea Plantation Best Care Benefits of aparajita plants Bloom Time Is Any Side Effects? Aparajita Plant: The plant of Aparajita is also known as Asian Pigeonwings, and its scientific name is cleatoria ternatea, and it belongs to the Fabaceae family. Aparajita is a […]

Unique 6 Tips To Grow Arabian Jasmine at Home

Arabian Jasmine Plant In this post, we will know all about the Arabian Jasmine plant:- About Arabian Jasmine How to plant Best tips to grow Arabian Jasmine Benefits of Arabian Jasmine Uses of Arabian Jasmine Bloom time About Arabian Jasmine: Arabian Jasmine is also acknowledged as Sambak Jasmine in India, also known as Mogra Plant and not only that, in […]

Tulsi – New Importance in Hinduism

Now this post is related to the sacred plant i.e. Tulsi Plant We will know about : About Tulsi plant How to plant Tulsi How to care for plant Medicinal uses of the plant Bloom time Importance of Tulsi in Hinduism About Tulsi Plant : The Tulsi plant is also known as the queen of herbs and Tulasi. Many people […]


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